Get help finding construction work

Construction workers can get career support and help finding open positions in construction.

CityBuild's Employment Network Services (ENS) connects qualified construction workers with contractors and job opportunities. Construction workers certified through ENS get added to CityBuild's database of local workers and can get referrals to open construction positions and projects. To get certified, follow the steps below. Learn more about CityBuild.


Check if you're eligible

Cost: {{cost}}.

Services are only open to construction workers who live in San Francisco. You must have:

  • Valid CA Driver’s License
  • Proof of Residency
  • Union Affiliation and be current on dues

* Most employers require drug screening


Contact an Employment Liaison

Call 415-701-4817 or email to speak with an employment liaison who will guide you through the services offered by Employment Network Services and explain the steps to get certified.


Get certified

To get certified you will need to complete and submit the following to


Get help when you are looking for work

Contact your employment liaison when you are looking for work and we will place you in our database and trades list for employers looking to fill open positions.