Workforce Investment San Francisco (WISF) - March 9, 2016 - Agenda

Meeting Date: 
March 9, 2016 - 9:00am
Hotel Whitcomb
1231 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

Agenda for meeting of the Workforce Investment San Francisco Board
March 9, 2016 9:00am - 11:00am


  1. Adoption of the Agenda (Action Item)
  2. Approval of Minutes from December 9, 2015* (Action Item)
  3. Director’s Report (Discussion Item)
    • Program/Sector Updates
  4. Presentation:  City Workforce Alignment Update (Discussion Item)
  5. Presentation:  Sector Spotlight – Healthcare (Discussion Item)
  6. Public Comment (Discussion Item)
  7. Adjournment (Action Item)


Please Note:  Public Comment will be taken on all action items and at the designated time at the end of the meeting.  Each member of the public will be allotted no more than 3 minutes to speak on each item.


*Materials Included:

- Draft minutes from December 9, 2015 WISF meeting

Download a copy of the Agenda & Meeting Notice here.