Workforce Investment San Francisco (WISF) - March 19, 2020 - Supporting Documents

Meeting Date: 
March 19, 2020 - 9:00am

COVID19 Guidance for Employers and Employees


PDF icon 20200318_Meeting Notice_WISF-3-19


WISF Meeting updated to Thursday, March 19, 2020
in compliance with Shut-in Ordinance
9:00am– 11:00 am
Via Teleconference Line Only
Dial 1.877.336.1828
Participant code: 955112


Our proposed agenda is as follows:

  1. Opening Remarks and Meeting Guidelines from Chair Kevin Carroll
  2. Update from Vice-Chair Jeanine Cotter
  3. Overview of OEWD Response to COVID19 by OEWD Director Joaquín Torres and Director of Workforce Development Joshua Arce
  4. Updates and Questions from each WISF Member
  5. OEWD Response to Questions and Next Steps in Coordinating Public-Private Efforts to Address the Needs of Workers and Businesses